Monday, July 21, 2008

Dumb foot

For fhe tonight they were hiking ensign peak and hearing history about it. I love easy hikes. I love history. I love bonding at fhe. But I have a lame foot. Instead I got to stay home and do some mending - seriously - and some tatting. I also watched the 7-up series on netflix. It's pretty cool. Back in the day some british people decided to track the lives of 7 kids to see how they'd turn out. Tonight I watched the one of them being 21. A bit sad in some ways to see the innocence lost. I guess growing happens.


Jules said...

I totally want to watch that! Hm...maybe it's time I join Netflix...

plainoldsarah said...

ha - it's that show that prompted me to join netflix in the first place - my brother told me all about it and i caved. tonight i have hotel rwanda.

Marie said...

I could swear this show aired on PBS. Or maybe they just had a bit about the show. It was sad, but hopefully we all realize that we're not the only ones with substantial regrets about our lives.