I saw an inconvenient truth tonight. Good solid facts mixed in with a bit too much schmalz but overall I give it a big "go see it!" i'm sure jon will agree.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
eternal week
and tonight is marktoberfest - hooray! home made root beer and all the hot dogs you can eat - what a celebration!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
More sidewalk art
What's up with funny figures painted on the sidewalks of slc? Do other cities have them too?
parent teacher conferences
anyway, in happy news i won the lottery yesterday. the legal, in school, who's going to get the brand new set of student desks, lottery. hooray for me! this school is about 30 years old and the desks found in most rooms have f-you written on them or their backs fall off or the seat falls too forward or there are screws poking them from below. basically they are all a hazard. being the newer teacher to the school i got an exceptionally fun batch of desks - over summer teachers go scavenging to try to improve their lot of desks. now my room has bright white desks that all match and are gauranteed to last at least 5 years! i'm just guessing on that life expectancy. anyway, i think i better post a photo of them!
parent teacher conferences
anyway, in happy news i won the lottery yesterday. the legal, in school, who's going to get the brand new set of student desks, lottery. hooray for me! this school is about 30 years old and the desks found in most rooms have f-you written on them or their backs fall off or the seat falls too forward or there are screws poking them from below. basically they are all a hazard. being the newer teacher to the school i got an exceptionally fun batch of desks - over summer teachers go scavenging to try to improve their lot of desks. now my room has bright white desks that all match and are gauranteed to last at least 5 years! i'm just guessing on that life expectancy. anyway, i think i better post a photo of them!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Sunday at the parents'
I took photos today while visiting the old folks. Dad was attached to his iv - it takes him 6 hours to get his fungicide. He slept through much of it. He's got a toothpick hanging from his mouth due to the nice roast beef dinner we had. The other photo is of my brother-in-law and sister and mother. Ma is reading emails on her laptop. Good times.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Dancing after dinner
So there was a ward dance I also went to tonight. Lynn is head of activities 2 committee so he felt obligated to go. Matt and I are supportive friends who enjoy shaking our "groove thangs" so we also went. I thought the dance was supposed to start at 9. The speakers came around 9:15. We got dancing at 9:40 - lynn, matt, and me. Two guys sat by the wall. That lasted for a good half hour. Finally our numbers increased. I left at 10:45 and the floor was filled with about 20 people. This is a photo of the classy discoball stand. It made me laugh - right there in the middle of the dance floor. Notice there are no people around. When I went to get my phone to take a picture matt and lynn fled in opposite directions for fear of appearing to be dancing with each other. Funny.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
teacher dreams
another day at the gym
Monday, September 18, 2006
One of those days when I ned a barette like the wind and have none. I found a paperclip. It works. Does it make me a nerd?
cold and hungry
here's a good thing - i went to the gym this morning and supposedly burned 170 calories. that's got to count for something! i need some good gym goals i can accomplish in 20 minutes since i don't want to wake up any earlier than i'm already doing. any suggestions?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
McD 2
I know - not your favorite place but I thought there was something poetic about the patriotic touch of the flapping flag with the golden arches. My art for the day.
Last night I attended the fair with mark lynn hoppe and my new friend vanya. I decided next year we should all enter the fair in some category or another. You can win ribbons - and I think cash. Too bad there's not a phone camera category.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The loom
Today I had 3 university students visit my room to observe me. They said I had good teacher presence. Who knew? I guess I did - but it's good to get validation! Maybe i'll keep at this profession afterall.
I love them! I gave them up a couple years ago when the physical therapist said I needed orthotics to help my poor pinched back nerve. I've been pretty faithful about wearing those orthotics now for 3 years. My right leg is still a bit numb but I haven't had significant back pain except for last fall when I hunched over a dozen social studies textbooks for hours. Then this summer my feet started to hurt. Orthotics seemed to aggravate them more. So I decided I need to rotate my shoes - not always wearing the orthotics - to give the feet an occasional break. Today I dug out the tevas. They're so cool. At the bus stop my feet were hot so I poured cold water all over them - leaving the tevas attached to my feet. When I walk they bend and I feel like I get maximum push off from the ground. Why did I ever stop wearing them? Who needs arch support? Who needs an extra lift on the left? I need cool free flexible feet!
a bit depressing
How to Dissuade Yourself from Becoming a Blogger
What a buzz all the bloggers are making these days! It seems like just about everybody is pouring their musings into a text box. Are you feeling tempted to start a blog of your own? Here are some ways to bypass the trend.
Find five completely random blogs, and read them daily for a month. After thirty days, you will absolutely dread your self-imposed requirement to read all that dreck. Any blog you create will most likely be on par with what you've been reading. Don't put anyone through that.
Consider that your voice, even if it is truly a good one, is a tiny peep against the massive wave of tripe out there. The odds of anyone you don't already know finding your blog are low.
Write on a regular basis in Wordpad instead. If that doesn't satisfy your urge, and you feel that you must post your blog online, then you might just be craving attention and validation--which you'll never truly find in a blog. If you give up on your Wordpad journal after about three days, you'll do the same with a blog that just takes up server space.
Ask yourself if you really have the time to commit to a blog. What about that treehouse you wanted to build? Or the book you wanted to write? Or the car you wanted to fix up? Or the restaurant you wanted to take your wife to? Or the new career you wanted to pursue? Instead of writing about pretty much nothing, or whining about all the things you wish you were doing instead, start doing something that'd actually be worth writing about. And if it's really worth writing about, you'll be having too much fun doing it to tear yourself away from it.
If attention and validation is what you're looking for, know that you will get neither from blogging. As above, very few people will ever know that your blog (or you, by proxy) exists. Of those who do find it, a large percentage will be flamers and trolls, who will only post comments to you about how you suck. The remainder of comments posted to your blog will be sappy treacle, which you won't trust as being sincere anyway.
Consider writing on a wiki instead. Unlike most blogs, wikis like Wikipedia and wikiHow are read by millions of people each month. Several wikiHow authors receive "fan mail" messages every day from appreciative readers. In addition, many authors discover that they enjoy the wiki collaborative writing process more than writing in solitude.
The information you post on the Internet is likely to linger for years and years to come, as web pages are archived by "snapshot" services like the Wayback Machine. Once it's out there, you can't take it back. An employer running a Google search on your name years down the line might be turned off by your now documented obsession with your cat.
Napping on the bus is much easier and relaxing on the ride home than to work. Either way, you wake up a lot to all the sudden braking. That way I guess i'm less likely to miss my stop.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Normally the idea of mickey d's grosses me out - but this morning the smell of french fries wafted through the air and I couldn't help but wish I had some. The power of salty grease can be irresistable.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Here I am at the bountiful shooting range. The other photo is the view of the targets - way far away! I did pretty good.
Friday, September 8, 2006
The bus driver was humming to himself this morning. I think it was "how great thou art" which I loved in high school - it was the grandest hymn ever. I kept listening and I don't think he was really humming that song but at least it got a good message in my head - perfect start to a dearly needed friday.
Yesterday I melted an overhead in the laser printer. I also introduced my students to writing workshop. It wsn't the best day ever. My stake had temple night, though, and a followup chapel meeting. The witness woman puked 2/3 of the way through - but the really good part was the message in the chapel meeting. We were reminded to take on us the Lord's yoke and give him ours. I needed to be reminded because lately it seems I only stress about my own. The second speaker told us about donations to the temple fund and said how the jar of pennies froma group of indian children is of equal worth to the million from some guy in the sight of the Lord. God looks on the heart - both were given with full purpose of heart.
Waiting for a bus
This is my view every morning. It's hard to tell but those red letters on the side of the building "gra ite c binet" are held up with what appears to be strips of masking tape. I guess a couple letters just didn't last. I think the place is abandoned.
it's sprinkling on me.
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
What's this
I've seen these fellows painted in various sidewalk locations. But what are they for? Anyone recognize them?
Preventive measures
I took an advil, allergy medicine, and daily vitamin before leaving the house this morning. Here's hoping today goes better than yesterday!
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
mondays that are tuesdays
Monday, September 4, 2006
Labor day!
I spent a good part of the morning lounging on the hammock on my parents' deck - a bit of heaven!
Sunday, September 3, 2006
This weekend I was hanging with a friend talking about movies. He used to see a lot because he used to donate platelates twice a week. I couldn't help but laugh when I told him my dad gets platelates twice a week. He has cll and his bone marrow isn't making any of its own blood. It sure makes you appreciate all the good donors of the world.
In other news it's a holiday tomorrow - hooray! I wonder what i'll do with myself.