Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cat baggage

That phrase brings back so many happy memories from this time of year. It was at sundance, maybe in 2000 or 2001, that the phrase was coined. al and ed and others i'm sure, but i'll never forget the classically dressed sundance attendee gushing over ed and al and I just staring at her large cat baggage and visible cleavage.
Well, as I put my cat socks on this morning other happy memories came to mind - of spring in seattle! I bought these treasures at the tulip festival with plewe, jane, and cindy (my blogging mentors). I don't like cats - but at the time I bought them I liked a boy who liked cats. The real reason I bought them, though, was because my own socks were wet and muddy from the tulip trip. These were my best option. I would like to point out that I even received a compliment on them from a student today. and in case you can't tell, they are tightly woven socks. They left a cat imprint on my ankle - thus the photo. I know - one of my best blog entries to date - right up there with the souvenir blister and home grown pepper. Live it up!


PlainJaneSaid said...

I remember those socks!!! I think you should wear them every time you go and see tulips!

plainoldsarah said...

i'm so glad you remember them - that was a fabulous trip! i must see more tulips.