Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tragedy averted

I know I said i'm on mini-holiday but truthfully it's been pretty tough. Today I woke up with a headache only to discover my students were having technology issues. Then, after lunch when my kids told me to go take a nap (apparently they noticed my grumpiness) I discovered i'd lost one of my favorite earrings. Argh talk about sadness. I texted the kids who were still back at the lunch table but they never answered. So I went back an did my own searching. No luck. Finally I met up with the kids in class and asked if they'd seen my earring at lunch. Apparently before lunch, as I was putting away the laptop, my earring fell in the laptop case. It was still there! Hooray!
(i know that wasn't a terribly riveting story, but it's been a hard day.)


Jules said...

Ugh, trips with kids are hard, even if they are generally good kids. Glad you found your earring, though!

plainoldsarah said...

thanks for the support! i had another near tragedy in the evening - one of my students was inappropriately touched - yikes - but after reporting it to the people in charge i heard nothing more so i guess all is well. we head home today - hooray!