Wednesday, June 9, 2010


i hate to say this, but i eat treats. i have a basket where i put any candy passed my way (christmas usually brings some) and gum i can't help but buy. i'm a bit of a new gum flavor lover. anyway, this basket comes in handy - just a bit too high to always be in my face, but when i need a treat i know where to find it. maybe some day i'll put healthy treats in there for a kid or something, but for now, i just like to eat stuff out of it. my favorite is the bag of cashews. the good husband also likes them. i've been tempted to get rid of the basket all together. i tell myself it's part of decluttering and saving myself some calories. what do you all think?


Stacey said...


Now, wasn't that lazy?!

Tricia said...

I don't know. I always have a small stash of dark chocolate to dip into when I need a little treat. The less I dip into it, the more I savor it when I do. I've contemplated getting rid of it now and then, but keep opting to work on self control instead, because, when warranted, those chocolate moments are purely joyful!