Wednesday, April 30, 2014


John (aka ward) is growing. He looks chubby around the middle now. I had my 6 week check up and found out I am only 4 pounds from my first check up weight. Hooray! The inches haven't dropped, though. In fact the doctor said my uterus is bigger than it should be. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since they persuaded me to get a csection by saying I had a tired uterus and it would have trouble shrinking. I get to see the Dr again in a month. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Not surprised he is yawning. We only slept about 3 hours last night. Bret says he has my mouth. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Back seat

Just getting cozy in the back seat with my babies. Joyce refused to nap on schedule. John, however, napped extra long. He only woke when he had to get naked at the doctor's. He is up past his birth weight - now at 9'5". Height is up to 22" and head is 38 cm. 

Sibling love

Joyce just can't get enough of her new brother. Last night they even coordinated their middle of the night wakings. Only once did they overlap so much that I needed Bret's help. That was because John was not going back to sleep easily. Instead he decided to fill two diapers right in a row.